
Psychic Trash Detectives

Created by Scryptid Games

Psychic trash animals race to solve a mystery before the city’s trash is collected at dawn. A diceless TTRPG played with trash.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Launch weekend is here!
about 1 year ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 02:31:25 PM

Lovely backers! It's time to launch! We are so excited to kick off fulfillment with our local Baltimore events this weekend! 

Come listen to writers read their incredible work!

First we'll have a reading at Bird in Hand bookstore and café in Charles Village this Saturday, September 9th, at 6pm.  

The advertisement for the Psychic Trash Detectives even at Bird in Hand.
We cannot guarantee the appearance of raccoons at this event. But we can't not NOT guarantee it either.

At Bird in Hand, we'll have readings from some of our contributing poets and writers: jason b. crawford, Deidre Delpino Dykes, Nino McQuown, Nat Mesnard, Tonee Moll, Tyler Vile, and yours truly, Dustin Patrick Winter!

The event starts at 6pm and tickets are strongly encouraged. Get them on our Bird in Hand Eventbrite event, here!

Come play games! GAMES! MOR GAEMS!!!

Then we'll follow that up on Sunday with a night of gaming at No Land Beyond, also starting at 6pm! 

The advertisement for playing Psychic Trash Detectives and other games at No Land Beyond.
Raccoons can play games. I've seen it. Swear.

No Land Beyond has great food and drinks so it's okay if you come with a hunger for more than trashy times, fun games, and camaraderie! Get your tickets to this event here!

If you need to pick up a copy of Psychic Trash Detectives, you'll be able to purchase it at either event, through the café or game shop, respectively. 

What's with all those boxes...?

On top of all this, all of the Scryptids are assembling here in Baltimore to begin... (drumroll please) FULFILLMENT! We'll be packing mailers and getting ready to send books and stickers and such to all of our backers and pre-orderers.

This is really exciting for us and we wouldn't be here without you! We hope you'll join us for one or both of these fun events and raise a glass to Brigitte and her most excellent book. If you've ever met Brigitte, you know that she brings a certain joie de vivre to every project and this book is no different. It's a joy to read. Joie de livre!

Brigitte proudly holding a copy of Psychic Trash Detectives in front of a box of books.
Click here for our first unboxing video on the official Scryptid Games instagram!

After this weekend, we'll start sending books out and Psychic Trash Detectives will be in your hands before you know it! And the PDF will follow soon after!



Come be a party animal with us!
about 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 05, 2023 at 09:36:02 AM

We just sent the book off to the printers! Huzzaaargh! We have a book! A real thing! You can hold it in your hands! 

A physical copy of the Psychic Trash Detectives book.
Proof we have a proof.

To celebrate, we are throwing two awesome in-person events.

Upcoming Baltimore events

Because scryptids love parties, we're throwing TWO free off-site events to celebrate our first book release during Baltimore Comic Con, September 8-10! So get your trash to Mars! I mean Baltimore!

Reading at Bird in Hand, Baltimore, MD, September 9th @ 6:00pm

A reading of poetry and fiction inspired by Psychic Trash Detectives. Featuring jason. b crawford, Deidre Delpino Dykes, Nino McQuown, Nat Mesnard, Tonee Moll, Tyler Vile and meeeee, Dustin Patrick Winter!

The view from the patio at Bird in Hand
Bird in Hand

Reserve your FREE ticket to the reading here: Bird in Hand tickets

Gaming at No Land Beyond, Baltimore, MD, September 10th @ 6:00pm

Join us at Baltimore's first board game bar, game shop, and event venue for a full game of Psychic Trash Detectives! Bring your book or buy one there, and enjoy roleplaying, pizza, and cocktails with old friends and new.

Interior of the game shop at No Land Beyond
No Land Beyond

Reserve your FREE ticket to gaming here: No Land Beyond tickets

We are also in the process of squishing some other plans together for events this fall and winter. Hmmm… PAX Unplugged, you say? Stay tuned!

Last call for pre-orders...

This is your last chance to pre-order the book, to upgrade your pledge, or to add some of those spiffy add-ons (like stickers or a copy of Ball of the Wild) to your pledge. So if you have been procrastinating, just, you know, don't. You can pre-order here or using the preorders button on the project landing page. 

...and surveys!

Also, if you haven't responded to your Backerkit survey, this is your chance! We want to be sure we have the right address for you so you get your stuff!

Vote for the new t-shirt design

You have until TOMORROW, Sunday, August 6 to vote which detective character will be featured on our next t-shirt for sale through our web store. So go ahead and  follow us on Instagram and make your excited screeches heard.

The illustrated candidates for the next t-shirt design: Cheese the cat, some mystical monkeys, or Jim the bear on a wobbly playground ride.
Which of these goofballs would you like on a t-shirt?

Now I pass the metaphorical mic to Tiffany who will fill you in on the update on how production of the book is going…


Tiffany's production update

Hi from Layout Land! I have been working hard to bring you a book that’s easy to navigate and looks good.

Brigitte and I are super excited about the way everything has come together. This is definitely the biggest project of its kind that I have ever worked on – 80 pages of book is headed your way! We have great art from A.V. Eerie, including a few characters created since the Kickstarter wrapped, so they will be new to you! Plus, Dustin created some additional art for us: four delightful sketches for characters contributed by social media contest winners AND a fun, gorgeous map for Hillsville, a town we created in our actual play on Sarah’s Table.

We know that many publishers release their PDFs as soon as the book is finalized and off to the printer, but we want to make sure that the PDFs we release are accessible. We will need to use a few different fonts because what looks good printed on paper doesn’t always interact with tech like screen readers very well. And we’ll be releasing an additional version that has fewer items crowding the pages for people for whom visual clutter is a challenge. In short, bear with us as we finalize our PDFs so everyone can enjoy them to the fullest. I am excited to share all of the versions of the book with you soon!


Vogueing and nudging
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 07:39:53 AM

Whoa! It’s been a heck of a spring! Hard to believe summer is already soundly upon us. Well, I’ve got an update for ya, buckaroos!

Work on Psychic Trash Detectives continues…

We’re still at it, working hard to make the game supremely awesome:

  • All of the amazing art from A.V.Eerie is here! Here’s a little sneaky peeky: 
A monkey staring at something off-screen, a hypnotized look in its eyes.
Whatcha think he's starin' at, huh?
  • Brigitte and Nat finished their editorial process and we have a final draft.
  • We have all the poems and fiction from the folks we collaborated with and we added them to the draft.
  • Tiffany is working on the book layout now, creating a smooth and appealing reading and gaming experience for you as you flip these trashy pages.
  • I’m working on some additional artistic contributions to the book, namely the character designs for the original characters you all created for us! Those characters really did not disappoint, by the way.
  • We’re talking with venues to line up some fun events for the book’s release.
  • After layout, we’ll send the files off and get proofs from our printers!

Our release date had to be nudged juuuuuust a little bit to give everyone the space they needed to get things done the right way. The success of the Kickstarter gave us the ability to make Psychic Trash Detectives so much more than a zine, but we also have more things to do in the same amount of time as we originally planned for.

Right now we are looking at a release in mid-September instead of late August, so not a huge shift. We want to always be transparent with you about our timelines and what we’re up to, though.

Tabletopped Superstars!

We did cut some time out of our schedules to form game designer Voltron for another episode of the Tabletopped podcast. This time around, it was all five of us talking with Nick Perron about what it’s been like to start a game company, launch a Kickstarter, and then do the thing. We talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly, although to be honest, it’s been mostly dang good! Also you can get a sneak preview of our plans for the future, including our next big project…

Vogueing on Sarah’s Table

A while back, we had made plans to bring another of our games to Sarah’s Table, and in May Sarah came through! This time, we played Nat Mesnard’s beloved Ball of the Wild and got super duper fabulous, darling! Watch out for the cameo from a certain filthy friend you’ll remember fondly from our Psychic Trash Detectives stream with Sarah back in March. 

Chillin’ with Avery Alder (NBD...)

Nat, Brigitte, Tiffany, and I made our way into the wilds of Canada to take the Designing Games that Matter workshop with Avery Alder! I can’t recommend this workshop highly enough. Publishing as Buried Without Ceremony, Avery is the genius mind behind games like The Quiet Year, Monsterhearts 2, and Dream Askew. At the workshop, held at the Tatamagouche Center in Nova Scotia, we studied and collaborated with Avery and other brilliant game designers. We made games, made friends, made s’mores, and made it back home in one piece. Errr, four pieces! Wait, bad analogy. Uhhh, we got home safe!

That’s all for now, you filthy animals. As always, thanks for your support!


Hard at work!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 10:44:58 AM

We're announcing a contest...

We all know that Twitter is a hot mess right now, but we really want to connect with you on our social media! And there's good reason to follow us on the socials: you could have your very own Psychic Trash Detectives character featured in the book! The only way to find out more about this and to throw your hat in the ring is to follow us on social media. So, uh, smash that subscribe button? We are @ScryptidGames on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. And you can subscribe to our mailing list (extra goodness!) on our website.

The Twitter profile image for Scryptid Games, a moth creature reading a book, and the banner image for Psychic Trash Detectives, a possum eating a novel with rainbows shooting out of it.
You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and our website.

Brigitte was on Tabletopped...

In the newest episode of the Tabletopped podcast (just released Sunday!) our very own Brigitte Winter, creator of Psychic Trash Detectives, talked about coming to gaming in her thirties, creating immersive experiences, and our favorite new word: ludonarrative harmony. For more on that, check out the episode!

Poster for the Tabletopped podcast with animals all over it.
Dawwww, ain't they cute?

Dustin and Tiffany were on Sarah's Table...

In the two-part one-shot (yeah, you heard me) streamed on Sarah's Table, we played a narsty squirrel and a stinky bear who needed to figure out why all the trash was disappearing from our little town of Hillsville!  Check out the streams here and here. 

Dustin, a bearded man with brown hair, sits in front of a laptop where other players can be seen on Zoom.
Dustin as Jim the bear on Sarah's Table.

Pat and Dustin ran playtests for the game at Unpub!...

Unpub! was held last month at the Delta Hotels Marriott in Hunt Valley, Maryland. Its a small gaming con held yearly for creators who want to get their game in front of people who will test it. So that's what we did! And we got a lot of great feedback that will help us make the best game possible.

Pat, a man with white hair, leans over a table and explains a tabletop roleplaying game.
Pat runs a game of Psychic Trash Detectives at Unpub

Nat has been working with Brigitte on the text and rules...

Nat and Brigitte are working on a new round of revisions to the book, plus we've started reaching out to some fellow creators we know to get the ball rolling on some collaborations that will be featured in the book.

We have new artwork from A.V.Eerie...

Because you supported the Kickstarter, we raised enough money to get another round of illustrations from A.V.Eerie. I have been working with her to sketch out my vision for the new pieces and the coloring pages you'll be getting. For sure I'm going to livestream a coloring night or something!

A black-and-white coloring page (a contour line drawing) of a pigeon wearing bits of trash and standing on a broken walkman.
Pee-Jon coloring page coming soon!

We made time to play...

Last weekend we all met up in NYC to touch base with some of our old pals.

Nat, a person in a fashionable ball cap, stands on a terraced step inside a bookstore and points excitedly.
Nat holds court.

Tiffany came down from the frozen north and Brigitte and I made the trek across the sunny plains so all the Scryptids could assemble in Manhattan for a couple of days. We mixed it up, we talked big dreams and plans, and for sure we touched some trash. 

Six people (the Scryptids and a friend) sit at a table set for a meal and smile for the camera.
NYC with our friend, A.E. Osworth.

...and we'll be streaming Ball of the Wild soon!

We have an actual play set up with Sarah's Table for Nat's game Ball of the Wild. We'll be playing as animals dressing up as other animals for a drag show to impress Mother Nature. Who knows? Jim the bear may even make an appearance! Sounds like the stream will premiere on May 5th. Yet another reason to give us a follow. 

The Ball of the Wild banner: monkeys and turtles and rabbits playing around.
You better work.

Cheers! More to come soon!


Mystery solved!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 10:32:05 AM

I’m glad you’re all here, because I’m about to reveal something shocking. I found the person responsible for all of this, the real culprit.

IT WAS YOU. YOU DID IT. You made Psychic Trash Detectives a Kickstarter success.

Truly, thank you so so SO much for your pledges and support during our first ever Kickstarter campaign.


Your generous early pledges meant we hit our goal for the project within two hours of our launch. That’s an incredible feeling for a brand new collective like ours and defies all expectations we had for this project. You did that! You threw SO MUCH TRASH in the cans. Because of you, we not only get to make this zine, but we get to make it in style:

  • Perfect-bound,
  • With multiple extra illustrations,
  • Full-color interior with high-end printing on deluxe paper,
  • And a higher page count so we can include content from talented collaborators.

The stretchies

Because you pushed us through so many stretch goals, we’ll also be sending you a bonus: the Game Facilitator's Guide. The great thing about coming together as Scryptid Games is that each of us brought innovative ideas and approaches to the gaming table that inspired the rest of us. Those ideas were part of what made us realize we wanted to make games together and we want to share those things with you too.

To boot (a stinky old boot), we'll be adding a custom print-and-play coloring page AND throw a launch party later this year to celebrate the release of Psychic Trash Detectives. That will likely be somewhere on the East Coast of the United States, as the team here at Scryptid Games is in the EST time zone. We are excited to celebrate with you!

Makin' community

During the campaign, we ended up on the radar of publications like Polygon and Gizmodo, and we ended up on podcasts like Tabletopped and streams like GenCon TV’s Sarah’s Tableand Table Takes.

Hot on the heels of the Psychic Trash Detectives campaign, a party of Scryptids are headed to Unpub, a designer convention in Maryland! We'll be running a playtest of Psychic Trash Detectives on Saturday. Come say hi.

To hang out with us and keep up with all things Scryptid Games, head to our website and sign up for the mailing list. We promise not to spam your email (even though that would totally be a trashy move). Folks on the mailing list are the first to hear about new projects and products from us.

You can also pass our pre-order store on to your trash animal friends who missed the campaign!

State of the game

Moving forward we’ll be sure give you updates on how production and fulfillment are going. Psychic Trash Detectives is in final playtesting now, and we've already begun some initial typesetting work. Details on that from our production crew in a future update!

On the business side, we also wanted to let you know we're delegating the Scryptid Games Kickstarter account from one Scryptid to another. The campaign was originally built by Tiffany (thank you Tiffany!) but will now be managed by Patrick, who's heading up accounting and finances for our team.

This will clear the way for Tiffany, our typesetting and layout Scryptid, to focus on making Psychic Trash Detectives look and feel amazing as it becomes a real, live book!

Where we’re going we don’t need roads… 

But maybe we need toads? Unclear. Please stand by.

You can look forward to an amazing and innovative game with Psychic Trash Detectives and you can expect more projects and goodies from us in the future. We are just getting started.

You may also notice some cool things happening on our website, including launching our store filled with Psychic Trash Detectives and Scryptid Games clothes and merch! And yes, we are putting Soup and Mrs. Scratch and Pee-John and all the other adorable detectives on shirts and hoodies and everything else.

As a special treat, as a little thank you, we wanted to share with you a discount code for this brand-new online shop. Use TOUCHTRASH10 at checkout for 10% off everything, and get some trash animals in your life even before they make their way to you as part of the book.

Thanks again so very much from everyone here at Scryptid Games. Y'all made this project a huge success. We can't wait to bring this awesome game to you.


Nat, Pat, Brigitte, Dustin, and Tiffany